Monday, August 19, 2013

Psychopaths - Charles Manson

    Psychopathy is a personality trait or disorder characterized partly by enduring antisocial behavior, a diminished capacity for empathy or remorse, and poor behavioral controls.

Charles Manson

Early Life and First Offenses

    Born on November 12, 1934 (now aged 78), Manson was born into world to an unmarried 16-year-old mother who, at first, called him 'no name.' She was a heavy drinker who reportedly sold him for beer to a waitress, only to come back for him a few days later.  Manson began his criminal career with several strings of burglaries.
    He was sent to a juvenile center, from which he escaped only to be put in another similar center.  Less than a week after being placed there, he escaped & committed two armed robberies along with another escapee. He was then sent to a boys school where at which he claimed to have been sexually abused. His youth was filled with numerous more offenses and at age 13, was deemed aggressively antisocial and illiterate with an IQ of 109. 


Victims of the Manson cult:
Leno LaBianca 
Rosemary LaBianca 
Sharon Tate-Polanski
unborn child Paul Tate-Polanski
 Abigail Folger
 Voyteck Frykowsi
Jay Sebring
Shorty Shea
Gary Hinman 
Zero (John Phillip Haught)

(there are also other supposed victims of the Manson family cult..)

   * Though Manson orchestrated the murders, he never actually has been convicted of killing anyone himself.  He did, however, shoot Bernard Crowe over a bad drug deal.

Helter Skelter

    Manson believed the Beatles had songs predicting Armageddon; he believed it would arise from an apocalyptic war of races (black/white.) He also believed the biblical book Revelation proved his theories. 
Look at the songs: songs sung all over the world by the young love. It ain't nothin' new... It's written in... Revelation, all about the four angels programming the holocaust... the four angels looking for the fifth angel to lead the people into the pit of fire... right out to Death Valley. It's all in black and white, in the White Album - white, so there ain't no mistakin' the color.
- Charles Manson
Manson "translated" many of the Beatles lyrics. i.e.:
Lyric: Blackbird singing in the dead of night/ Take these broken wings and learn to fly/ All your life/ You were only waiting for this moment to arise.
Meaning: The black man is going to arise and overthrow the white man. The Beatles are programming blacks to rise.


    Manson was convicted in 1971 and initially given the death penalty.  However, in 1972, this charge was revoked and he was given life behind bars. 

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