Monday, August 19, 2013

Psychopaths - Richard Chase

    Psychopathy is a personality trait or disorder characterized partly by enduring antisocial behavior, a diminished capacity for empathy or remorse, and poor behavioral controls.

Richard Chase

"The Vampire of Sacramento"

(May 23, 1950 – December 26, 1980)

    Background & Early Signs

    Abused by his mother as a child, Chase exhibited signs of the Macdonald triad (a set of three behavioral characteristics that were said to lead to often violent tendencies) as early as age 10.  As a young adult, Chase developed hypochondria. He would claim that at times his heart would "stop beating" and had strange beliefs i.e.: that his cranial bones had become separated -- so he shaved his head to watch the "activity." 
    Chase left his mother's house believing that she was trying to poison him and moved in with friends. We was frequently intoxicated and had peculiar habits that led his roommates to move out. Chase's habits only began to grow even more strange. He would kill and disembowel animals which he would often devour raw, or would make strange concoctions of their organs in a blender to drink. He rationalized with himself that this strange ritual would keep his heart from shrinking.


    Chase was institutionalized after contracting blood poisoning from injecting rabbit's blood into his veins. In the hospital, Chase would often be found with blood smeared about his mouth -- it was later discovered he was drinking the blood of birds and throwing their corpses out of his hospital room window; this led staff to begin calling him "Dracula." Chase was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and was guided through a series of treatments including psychotropic drugs. He was released to his mother once it was determined he wasn't a threat to society. His mother decided he was fine and began to wean him off of his medication.


Ambrose Griffith (drive-by shooting)

Teresa Wallin (shot three times)

Evelyn Miroth (shot - necrophilia + cannibalism)

Danny Meredith (shot)

Jason Miroth, Evelyn's 6-year-old son (shot)

David Ferreira, Evelyn's 22-month-old nephew (shot)


    Though he was clearly not sane, he was not pardoned with a life sentence. He was found on six counts of first degree murder and was sentenced to die in a gas chamber. While in prison, he frightened his fellow inmates with his bizarre and violent nature and they often encouraged him to commit suicide. He shared with guards his fears of Nazis and UFO's and claimed that, though he did kill, he had to in order to stay alive. He believed that any other person would kill for the same reason. Eventually Chase committed suicide by prison doctor-prescribed antidepressants that he had been hoarding.

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